Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My How Passé!

Yawn. Terrible Halloween costume ideas all three. I however, have a fantastic, and simple idea. Not that I'll mention it here of course as that would ruin the surprise for certain government employees.
I tend to dislike Halloween because I always wait until the last possible second to come up with a costume idea, and then am dissatisfied with the result. This year of course is more of the same, except with a lot less caring involved. My mind set towards my costume: meh, who cares. My mind set towards Halloween: yeah, pressure-free fun! Besides, lots and lots of drinks will be served so I'm sure I won't be too self conscious for long.
The pirate tour was a bust. Joey and I got to Historic Properties and found out the tour consisted of three guys dressed in cheesy ghost costumes standing around in the cold having a smoke break. Thank you Halifax and your consistently piss poor tourist traps. We bailed and went on the long walk to forever through the south end, downtown, and along the waterfront. Actually the boardwalk was great as the tide was weirdly high and we actually got to listen to waves breaking on the rocks for a change. No tampon floaties either. Talk about your night for romance. Unfortunately I had to go to work but it was still a lovely evening overall.
Funny how this works but I spent ten minutes on the SMU campus the other day and am once again pumped at the prospect of going back to school. Also Crystal is expressing interest in going with me, which would be too cool for school. Or rather not, I suppose.
Had lunch with Pat today and discovered that you really aren't supposed to take multi-vitamins on an empty stomach. I spent the first half of the meal sitting there looking pale and shaking, not eating because my stomach was disolving itself. I'm told I was a whole world of fun to be sitting across from. Still ended up having fun though after I managed to get some food into me.
Did anyone else try to see the lunar eclipse tonight? What a ripoff. When the stupid clouds weren't covering the whole thing all it did was get slightly rust coloured for about a minute, and then it was over. How's that something to get excited about? I should sue ATV news for raising my expectations to an unreasonable level.

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