Saturday, August 12, 2006

Shaking my Head in Disbelief(-o-Matic)

Every few months I take this quiz on Beliefnet to find out what religion I should be. I'm now so out of touch I am with my Protestant upbringing that I'm willing to rely on an internet quiz for spiritual direction. Or at least I was, however recently I've been getting in touch with my inner Vulcan and am currently choosing logic over religion. (If any of you disagree with my assertion that logic and organized religion are polar opposites, please don't bother getting offended. Trust me, there's much worse in this blog's archives. Go ahead, read on! Then you can get offended to your heart's content.)
Confindent in my newfound pointy-earedness, I took the quiz this time expecting a top ranking of Secular Humanist. Thish would place me in the ranks of Kurt Vonnegut, Karl Marx, and Gene Roddenberry, which would be heaven for me, if I were into that sort of thing about now. Instead, Sec. Hum. came in a close second behind Universalist Unitarian. Which frankly, I'm really pissed off about. I hate UUism. According to the tiny amount of knowledge I've collected on the UUs, they believe in pretty much everything. Oh and also nothing. And they have no idea what's going on, spiritually speaking. And they're fine with that. Some of them. And some of them aren't. Whatever.
Universalist-Unitarians, you are the absolute WORST of all fence-sitters. Sure it's nice to keep an open mind, but for god's sake (sorry Spock) have an opinion on something! Anything! Trust me, it's very refreshing.
Needless to say I'm rejecting this latest quiz result. Any test that would lump a rabidly opinionated person like myself in with the Cosmic Fence-Sitters Club is clearly flawed beyond belief(net). Anyway, if you'd still like to take the quiz, please leave your results/reactions (appalled or otherwise) in the comments.


lycradog said...

Secular Humanism - %100

And at the bottom of the list, Islam, Orthodox Judaism and Roman Catholocism. Perfect.

And yes, religion and logic are polar opposites.

Manifold Mess said...

Ok, I took it again as I was pissed that you got the score I wanted Lycradog. Turns out all I needed to do was use the "very important" tags, which I hadn't done before. Now Sec. Hum. is where I want it, but UU is still at 99%. I AM NOT AN AMBIVALENT PERSON!
Cathy'ism came in DEAD LAST for me, behind Islam, Judaism, and oddly enough, Scientology. Must be the gay factor. (Keep on denying it Tom.)

lucifuge said...

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (97%)
3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (89%)
4. Neo-Pagan (86%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (86%)

Ol' Cathyism was where it should be--dead last. I don't think I was in the mood for this quiz. I always find it very difficult to answer these questions and i almost always choose "medium" priority, because often I don't care-- which probably should mean i should pick "low." i might try that, and get a cooler result. haven't had protestantism in my top five in years. frightening! may take this again.